πŸŒŸπŸ™ Congratulations to Our 2024 First Communion Class! πŸ™πŸŒŸ

We are overjoyed to announce that this past Saturday morning, our religious education students had the special privilege of receiving the body and blood of Jesus for the first time during their First Communion Mass! πŸ•ŠοΈβœ¨

Father Michael and Father Iyke presided over this beautiful and sacred occasion, guiding our young ones as they reieved this important sacrament. It was a truly heartwarming sight to witness these precious moments of spiritual growth and communion with our Lord. πŸ™ŒπŸ’’

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of our First Communion class students! Your dedication, reverence, and love for Christ have brought you to this momentous milestone, and we are so proud of you. 🌟

A special thank you to Reymond Wee for capturing these sweet and cherished images, preserving the memories of this unforgettable day. πŸ“Έβ€οΈ

As our First Communion students continue on their journey of faith, let us keep them in our prayers, asking for God's blessings to guide and protect them always. πŸ™

#FirstCommunion #SacredMilestone #Blessings #Congratulations #FaithJourney