MEET Michelle

👋 Hi, I'm Michelle Morrison. I am a single mother of two grown children, and in the delightful mix of family dynamics, I also have a 17-year-old stepson who keeps life wonderfully unpredictable! 🙌

I am also a grandmother to three grandchildren who call me “Nanny”—family is at the heart of my life. Originally hailing from Hampton, Virginia, I made the move to Texas in 2020.

Professionally, I wear the hat of an IT Project Manager at **Blue Cross Blue Shield. My role involves orchestrating technology solutions and ensuring smooth project execution. But there's more to me than just my job title.

Spiritually, I've found my home at Prince of Peace, where I've been attending for nearly 11 years. Two years ago, I took a significant step in my faith journey by transitioning from Baptist to Catholic — a beautiful testament to growth and openness.

God's love and light fill me to the brim, and I've discovered a purpose in serving as the Nursery Coordinator. What better way to use my God-given talents than to nurture and care for the little ones? 🌟👶

Let's continue spreading love and light wherever we go! 🙏❤️