Baptized in a different denomination looking to BECOMe CATHOLIC?
The sacraments of Christian initiation—Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist—lay the foundations of every Christian life. (CCC 1212) The Church is called to enable the People of God, through proper catechesis, to become effective witnesses of the Gospel.
We have select faith formation pathways for members of our community who may have been baptized Catholic and not been confirmed, or baptized in another faith tradition, have been regularly attending Mass, have no marriage encumbrances and who may be interested in becoming Catholic, as well as for Catholics who just want to know more about their faith. These fast-track formation and process is designed to introduce the doctrine of the Catholic Church, and answer any questions you may have regarding the Catholic faith.
We have already begun our Spring 2025 Adult Sacramental Preparation program, however:
Inquiry into becoming Catholic or completing preparation for specific sacraments is never a truly calendared or scheduled event through the year. We follow the liturgical calendar for specific celebrations but we invite you to inquire and start the conversation as to what this looks like for you individually at any point in time in the year.
To begin, please contact Lauren, our Coordinator of Adult Ministry, at to set up a meeting to talk in person. We want to walk with you however we can best do so! If you are an unbaptized Adult please CLICK HERE for details on this faith process and pathway.