Baptism is the sacrament of rebirth by which one becomes a member of the church and a new being in Christ.
Members of Prince of Peace are encouraged to have their children baptized here. At least one of the parents must be an active Catholic who is committed to raising the child in a Catholic environment.
The Baptism classes are held every other month on the second Tuesday, starting at 7:00 PM. Since childcare is not provided during the classes, parents are encouraged to schedule the classes prior to the birth of their child. If there are older children, parents are strongly encouraged to arrange childcare for them.
If parents have attended other Baptism Preparation Classes recently, the decision for any additional preparation will be made on a case-by-case basis.
Godparents must be a practicing Catholic, at least 16 years old and must have celebrated the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. If married, the marriage should be a sacramental Catholic marriage. Godparents are must allso attend a Baptism preparation class. The classes give them an opportunity to update their understanding of the sacrament of Baptism and to more fully understand their responsibilities as godparents.
Baptisms take place several weekends during the month.
The requirements for scheduling a baptism at Prince of Peace:
Attend a baptism preparation class or have attended a class within past 3 years.
Submit a copy of child's birth certificate.
Provide proof of baptism class from godparents and a godparent form of eligibility.
We ask that paperwork be submitted two weeks prior to the scheduled baptism.
ORDER of Christian Initiation (FORMERLY RCIA)
OCIA (formerly RCIA) is the normal way in which adults and children of school age become full, active participating members of the Catholic Church. Children and teens follow a process similar to the adults but adapted for their own peer group.
The process to become Catholic involves 4 phases:
Phase I - Precatechumenate Begin attending sessions in the summer of 2022. During this time, the discussion centers around how God communicates with us, who Jesus is, what the Church is, and sharing time to ask questions about the Catholic faith. There is never any pressure to become Catholic, and this step does not have a timeframe. It is based on one’s own heart and response to conversion with the desire to continue forward.
Phase 2 - Catechumenate Attend 10:00 am Mass on Sunday mornings, followed by Scripture and catechesis sessions to develop a deepening awareness of God’s call and our response as lived out in the Catholic community. It is a time of nurturing, growth in faith, and continued conversion. This phase will introduce approaching the Word of God and a greater invitation to understand and live Catholic teaching, as well as what changes need to be made in our lives to respond to God’s inspiration, and what Baptism and the rest of the Sacraments in the Church mean.
Phase 3 - Purification and Enlightenment The days of Lent are the final period leading up to the Easter Vigil. This phase is a time of interior reflection, intensely centered on continued prayer, conversion of heart, and study leading up to the Easter Vigil, as well as joining in our faith community’s practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. At the Easter Vigil, adults receive all three Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion.
Phase 4 - Mystagogia This is a period of time to reflect on the experiences of the Easter Vigil and continue to learn more about the Church and a life lived in Christ, particularly now going out to be a part of the community and the world and serve Christ through the Church’s mission and outreach.
Prince of Peace also offers a 9 week program for those who have been baptized Catholic, or Baptized in another Christian faith (with water and in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), have been attending Mass regularly with family or friends, and are involved in the community, who are looking to grow deeper and desire for full communion with the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion.
We understand that each person’s journey is different, and God speaks to our hearts and lives in an individual way in different timeframes. Please contact Lauren at to schedule a meeting so we can learn how to best accompany you based on where you are! We are praying for you!
Maritta Zwartynski (Infants-6yrs)
Associate Director of Liturgy
972-380-2100 x137
Lauren Scheller (7yrs+)
Coordinator of Adult Ministry