Memorial Paver

Untitled (4 × 3 in).jpg
Untitled (4 × 3 in).jpg

Memorial Paver


Purchase your Memorial Paver today!

Pavers (bricks) are a real popular item to offer because they memorialize a family, family member (living or deceased), friend, or even yourself, for years to come.

Our Pavers will adorn the walkway area outside the new Welcome Center. How fitting to have the engraved names of those who have touched others’ lives there on the ground welcoming others to the parish. We anticipate these Pavers to go quickly as there are only 1,000 being offered. Pavers are 4” by 8”.

Your message can be up to 3 lines with a 16 character limit per line. This character limit includes spaces.

When you select “Purchase My Paver” a pop-up screen will appear that will ask you what text you would like written on your paver. In order to ensure that all pavers are properly manufactured, we ask that you purchase them one at a time on our website.

Purchase My Paver