Brady Senior Services


Organization Name: Brady Senior Services Program - Catholic Charities of Dallas
Address: 2843 Lapsley St. Dallas, Texas 75212
Phone: 469-283-0159
Organization Contact: Maggie Fernandez- Program Manager
Phone/Email: 469-801-8169 /
POP Liaison:  Chris Slattery,
Hours of Operation: Monday- Friday 8 AM-3 PM. Client Service Hours: 8 AM -12 PM

Organizational Profile: The goal of Brady Senior Services is to improve the health and wellness of senior citizens ages 60 and older. Services are designed to promote and support personal independence and emotional and physical well-being while recognizing individual dignity. Brady Senior Services Center provides approximately 100 Dallas area seniors a day with meals, information and education, social activities, exercise classes and access to medical care. Seniors are encouraged to participate in activities of their choosing. A holistic and culturally sensitive approach is used in developing educational and advocacy programs and a calendar of events that offers a variety of activities.

Items the organization will accept: Bingo goodie bags, yarn, craft supplies. Goodie bags with items such as toiletries and household items are always welcomed.  Additional items used daily include Lysol spray and wipes, Kleenex, and hand sanitizer for senior tables.

Items the organization will not accept: Large household items; food donations; clothing.

Delivery schedule: Delivery of items can be dropped off Monday-Friday between 8am-3:00pm.

Seasonal Needs: Summer - Boxed fans.   Winter - Bed throws/blankets, sweaters, knit caps, gloves

Bilingual: Yes

Volunteer needs: Help with Bingo, assembling goodie bags, help with craft and activities, occasional clerical/ front desk. Needs on an on-going basis: We are always in need of volunteers to help with daily activities and crafts, as well as occasional clerical duties. Current volunteer need is for a bilingual front desk check-in greeter, from 8-12 on a consistent day of the week.