Give the Gift of Service this Lenten Season!
Join your friends at Prince of Peace for a Lenten Service Opportunity at Streetside Showers! Help homeless with showers; cook lunch; and hand out our blessing bags collected during the Parish Mission. There are two (2) shifts and thus two (2) opportunites to serve. Group 1 will serve from 9AM-12:30PM and Group 2 will serve from 11:30AM - 4PM.
Both adventures begin in the Prince of Peace parking lot. Groups will then carpool to one of two locations: either in Plano (900 18th St., Plano) or McKinney (1702 W. University, McKinney)
Volunteers of all ages are welcome to serve. Any minor in attendance must also be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Do you have additional questions about the project? Email Annette Nevins