Casa San Dimas /  St. Dismas House


Organization Name:   Casa San Dimas /St. Dimas House
Address:  3221 Griffiths Drive, Irving, Texas  75061
Phone:  214-682-3504
Organization Contact:  Kerry Rhines
POP Liaison:  Susan Chamberlain,
Hours of Operation:  24/7

Organization Profile: (summary of organization) - Assists ex-offenders to reintegrate into society by assisting with basic needs: food, clothing, transportation (bus passes), furniture; and current incarcerated inmates by sending religious reading materials

Needs on an ongoing basis:  Funds, clothing, food, religious reading materials, furniture

Items the organization will accept:  Funds, clothing, food, religious reading materials, and furniture

Items the organization will not accept:   Well-used items

Pick-up/Delivery/Storage Schedules if any:   Call

Seasonal Needs: (holidays; school year)   N/A

Bilingual:  Some

Volunteer Needs:  Assist with services and Bible studies in Dallas County Jail; assist ex-offenders with guidance and transportation (as needed) to go get basic items such as food stamps, ID/driver’s license, SS registration/benefits