Organization Name: Good Shepherd School
Address: 214 S. Garland Ave.
Phone: 972-272-6533
Organization Contact: Gail Richardson-Bassett
POP Liaison: Michelle Mullen
Hours of Operation: 7:30-4:00
Organization Profile: We are a self-supporting, coeducational, non-profit school which has offered an exemplary education to students in Pre-K through eighth grade for more than 60 years. We currently have 237 students enrolled in our school. More than 70% qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program. We serve a minority population of Hispanic children with English as their second language.
Needs on an ongoing basis: school supplies, copy paper, clinic supplies, teacher resources, office supplies
Items the organization will accept: school supplies, copy paper, clinic supplies, teacher resources, office supplies
Items the organization will not accept: clothing, toys
Pick-up/Delivery/Storage Schedules if any: drop off at school office
Seasonal Needs: (holidays; school year) Holiday treats are always appreciated
Bilingual: Yes (Spanish)
Volunteer Needs: office support, library helper, tutor (must be Safe Environment cleared)