Pope Francis has said, “In these days of trial, as humanity trembles at the threat of the pandemic, I would propose that all Christians join their voices together to heaven.” Together as a Parish community we encourage everyone to take the next nine days to pray the Novena with the intention of an end to Coronavirus. May we remain united in prayer, compassionate to those in need and ask for the Holy Spirit to come down upon us and end this pandemic.
Nine Day Novena:
O Mary, full of grace, Patroness of this nation and Mother of the Church, in this time of illness and worldwide need we seek your intercession for the human family before your Son’s throne of grace and mercy. We ask for strength in adversity, health in weakness, and comfort in sorrow. Help us, O Blessed Mother, to be filled with confidence and trust in the tender compassion of our God. Let us not be afraid, like our own Saint Marianne Cope, who entrusted her life and ministry among the outcasts of society into the care of our Divine Physician. Continue to watch over all who are sick as well as those who care for them and give wisdom to all who are seeking a cure. We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
Knights Responders is Delivery Service Offered To Those In Need From the Store to Your Home By Our Knights of Columbus Organization. This service is provided to anyone who cannot make it to the grocery store, pharmacy or similar due to being a shut-in, elderly or anyone who needs essential supplies and can’t make the trip on their own.
How to Make a Holy Hour
The Lord of Hosts is with us and He does not want us to forget His power. He fights for us so that we can be still and know of His presence because He wants us to be with wholly His when we come to Him. Take time to pray with how you can be more still during your time of prayer at home!
Fr. Mike gives advice on how we should respond as Catholics to the Coronavirus. Worry, anxiety, fear, and living in the what ifs might not solve anything. Faith in God is the answer, faith that everything will turn out all right in the end.
Prince of Peace family, let's join together to pray for God's mercy. This resource will assist you and your family in praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3pm daily, and in concert with our entire parish community, for an end to the Coronavirus.
To watch go to popplano.formed.org to create a FREE account.
In today’s uncertain health climate, many of us find ourselves with more time to read than we’ve had in a long time. Looking around at what to pick up from the library or order online during this time of quarantine? We have you covered. Check out this link to learn about spiritual reading!
Life right now is inconvenienced. Working from home, kid's routines altered, our normal day to day shops and stores closed. Discover how we as Catholics can offer up our daily inconveniences during this time of quarantine.
Join Sr. Miriam James and her wild crew for a three part series on the Trinity, each episode highlighting the unique way in which God relates to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Podcast, journaling and small group questions! Grab a cup of coffee, listen and chat with a friend about the beauty of God.
Family Lectio Divina LIVE
Join every Wednesday at 5pm for a live-streamed digital small group, where they pray with the upcoming Sunday Mass readings!
When we give our burdens, worries, and cares to God it will bring us peace. Trust and believe that God is for you during this time when it seems like nothing is in control. He loves you and wants only the best for you. When you let go, you can fully rest in His strength. You don’t have to worry.
In a time like this, the question can arise as to why God would allow something like the Coronavirus. In this first video on a short series about suffering, Bishop Barron begins to answer the question of why a good God allows evil
The Consecration to St. Joseph
Our world needs St. Joseph. Now is the time for St. Joseph.
To show it, you entrust yourself entirely to his paternal care so that he can lovingly help you acquire his virtues and become holy.
Click Here to Learn More About The Consecration to St. Joseph
Pray the Stations of the Cross in the comfort of your own home with Fr. Mark Toups! This is the desert. Our lives look completely different than they did a few weeks ago, lets not lose sight in the ways that Christ experienced the desert amidst his Pasion. We encourage everyone to pray the stations together as a family, with a friend or as a community group.
Even in the chaos, there are so many things to be thankful for! Follow the link to print a gratitude journal for your family to complete together! Have each family member fill a page with what they’re thankful for and celebrate your blessings!
Jackie Angel shares some tips that she has found helpful to avoid laziness at home. These tips can be useful during the COVID-19 quarantine, but also for any time when you find yourself with little or nothing you need to do.
Teachable Tuesday w/ Beth Davis
The world is crazy right now. The fear that arises when looking at the things around us can be so hard to escape. The surges of information that bombard us within our communities is overwhelming. But what does the Word say about our fear and anxiety?
During this challenging time, Magnificat is generously providing complimentary access to their online version to help people pray from home.