Rite of Christian Initiation

RCIA is the normal way in which adults and children of school age become full, active participating members of the Catholic Church. Children and teens follow a process similar to the adults but adapted for their own peer group (see KidCat).  

The process to become Catholic involves 4 phases:

Phase I - Precatechumenate 
Begin attending Sunday morning precatechumenate sessions beginning in the early fall.  During this time, the discussion centers around how God communicates with us in the Scriptures, what changes need to be made in our lives to respond to God’s inspiration, and what Baptism in the Church means.  These sessions provide time to ask questions about the Catholic faith.  There is never any pressure to become Catholic.

Phase 2 - Catechumenate
Attend 9:30 am Mass on Sunday mornings, followed by doctrinal sessions to develop a deepening awareness of the responsibilities of Baptism as lived out in the Catholic community.   It is a time of nurturing, growth in faith, and conversion through Catholic beliefs and doctrine.  This phase will introduce the uniquely Catholic ways of approaching the Word of God and of Catholic teaching accommodated to the liturgical year.

Phase 3 - Purification and Enlightenment
The days of Lent are the final period of purification and enlightenment leading up to the Easter Vigil.  This phase is a time of prayer, study, and interior reflection leading up to the Easter Vigil, as well as joining in our faith community’s practices of prayer, fasting, and alms giving.

Phase 4 - Mystagogia
This is a period of time to reflect on the experiences of the Easter Vigil and continue to learn more about Scripture and the teachings of the Church.
This is also an opportunity to reflect on how to serve Christ and help in the Church’s mission and outreach activities.

Prince of Peace also offers a 9 week journey for those who have been baptized Catholic and who are missing Sacraments, or those who have been Baptized in another Christian faith (with water and in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), have been attending Mass regularly with family or friends, and are involved in the community. 

For more information please contact:

Lauren Scheller