The Turning Point Rape Crisis Center

Organization Name:  The Turning Point Rape Crisis Center
Address:  PO BOX 866754, Plano TX 75086           
Phone:  972-985-0951
Organization Contact:  Breanna Lewis
Phone/Email: 972-985-0951 |

POP Liaison: Kathie Poelzl,

Hours of Operation:  Office hours Monday-Friday 9a-5pm. Crisis line 24 hours

Organization Profile:  Our mission is to provide counseling, education, and advocacy for those impacted by sexual assault.

Our vision is to deliver the highest quality of comprehensive treatment services for survivors of all forms of sexual violence and to set the standard for prevention education that promotes social change to end bullying, sexual harassment and sexual assault.

Needs on an ongoing basis:  New clothing for survivors at the hospital and Gift cards

Items the organization will accept:

·       Women’s Size small & medium underwear

·       Women’s Size small & medium sport bras (cannot contain underwire)

·       Women’s Size small & medium t-shirts, pants, & sweat suits (any pants or shorts with elastic waist bands)

·       Journals

·       Children’s underwear (both boys and girls) small-large

·       Children’s clothing (sweat pants) small-large. (Usually need for children ages 5-9)

·       Copy Paper

·       Children’s toys (Stuffed animals, dolls, dollhouse furniture, hot wheels and trains etc.)

·       Toothbrushes and Toothpaste

·       Gift cards to purchase additional supplies as needed (Walmart, Target, Tom Thumb, etc.)

·       Bottled water and soda.  Individually wrapped candy and snacks

Items the organization will not accept:  Used clothing or used toiletries

Pick-up/Delivery/Storage Schedules if any:  The Turning Point can pick up donations on request.

Seasonal Needs: (holidays; school year) - Gift cards and baskets for holidays, snacks for training events in January, May, and October Months.

Bilingual: Spanish speaking advocates available 

Volunteer Needs: Crisis and hospital advocates, Board members, Administrative Ambassador, Social Media Assistance, Marketing Team Members, Fundraising Committee Members, and Community Engagement Volunteers. Some descriptions are below. Contact for more information.

*Volunteer Crisis and Hospital Advocate: Give back by helping those in their time of need. Advocates provide crisis intervention and support to survivors of sexual assault and their friends and family members. Volunteering is very flexible and training is provided.

*Fundraising Volunteer: The Turning Point does not charge for any services! Help us keep all of our programs running by assisting in raising funds through events or finding sponsors. Flexible and can be done from home!

*Administrative Ambassador: Great for those with day time availability. Help us in the office complete a variety of tasks from greeting clients and helping in reception, to creating information packets for survivors. We even have ways for you to help us through social media! Scheduling is flexible.