A November Message from Rev. Michael Forge

Dear Parishioners,

I wish to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your perseverance during this time of construction and renovation. It has been nearly a year since our groundbreaking ceremony last December 2021 and our move to the school gym for our Sunday Masses beginning in January 2022. It’s evident to me that your commitment and steadfastness to our parish during these challenging times serves as a testament to our founding pastor’s desire for building community among the body of Christ.

We’re now entering the second leg/year of the renovation marathon. Don’t give up. Don’t despair. This, too, shall pass and when we cross the finish line, we will have left in our trail a legacy of commitment, sacrifice and faith in God’s providence.

Once again, thank you for your commitment and sacrifice during this historical moment in our parish history. You’re an inspiration to me, the deacons, the parish staff and your fellow parishioners.

God bless you,

Fr. Michael