Michael Gormley Visits For Part 1 of our Sacraments & Symbols Series!

On Tuesday, Michael Gormley came to visit Prince of Peace for Part 1 of our two part series on the symbols of the Church. His presentation ended with a time for small group discussion and a powerful Q&A.

Come join us again for part 2 of the series!

MAY 17
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Cana Center

Symbols are a key part to any culture, including Catholicism, because they communicate truth! During this series our community will discover how the sacraments are outward symbols that communicate the inward grace and the power of God, and why we are called to preserve the symbols of our faith rather than manipulate them. All parishioners are invited to join in for the workshop led by national speaker and evangelist, Michael Gormley. There will be time for discussion, Q&A and time for greater knowledge of our faith! We hope to see you there!