SK Robert Edsall Earns Award as June Knight of the Month!

Knights of Columbus, Council 11716

Knight of the Month, June 2022


The June 2022 Knight of the Month is SK Robert Edsall. This Award recognizes Robert’s exemplary service to the Knights of Columbus Council 11716 and to the Prince of Peace Catholic Community.

Robert has been a member of the Knights of Columbus since 2015 and has achieved the fourth Degree. He has served in a variety of Officer positions and is the current Deputy Grand Knight, where he has served from 2020 to today. He will become the Grand Knight on July 1. Other officer positions which he has held include being a Trustee (2019-2020) and the Recorder (2017-2019). He has also served Assembly 3642 as the Scribe (2017-2019).

Robert is a very active Knight. He is a regular omelet chef at the Knights Monthly Breakfast and has been doing this for the past five years. He assists in many of the Knights activities such as at Bingo and at special dinners, such as at Fr. Tom’s Retirement Dinner. He was also a hot dog chef for the Walk for Life, and has done fund raising for the Wheelchair Mission. In addition, he helps to store various items for the Knights since space at Prince of Peace is scarce.

Robert is involved in other activities at Prince of Peace. He helps with the ushering, especially at holiday times and has helped with the Stations of the Cross.

Outside of Prince of Peace, Robert helps to raise money for a non-profit, Homes for our Troops, which provides homes for disabled members of the military.

Please join me in congratulating and celebrating the service of SK Robert Edsall, the June 2022 Knight of the Month.