Fr. Michael and Fr. Lucas Bring Surprise Smiles to Our Under-Construction Church!

At Prince of Peace Church, we never cease to find ways to spread joy and laughter, even amidst the ongoing construction of our sanctuary. In a delightful twist of the daily schedule, Fr. Michael and Fr. Lucas surprised us all with a spontaneous lunchtime visit to our under-construction church. Their mission? To strike a pose in front of the live camera feed that records every moment of our sanctuary's transformation.

While hard hats and tool belts surrounded them, they found themselves facing the ever-watchful eye of the live camera feed. Unable to resist the opportunity for some fun, they waved enthusiastically, sharing their contagious smiles with everyone tuning in. Did You Catch Their Playful Wave on Camera?

Watch the Live Construction Feed! We believe that the journey of transforming our sanctuary should be shared with our entire parish community. That's why we extend an open invitation to all of you to join us in witnessing the ongoing construction through the live camera feed. Whether you're at home or on the go, you can tune in at any time to witness the remarkable progress happening at Prince of Peace Church. Simply visit to access the live feed and become part of our vibrant journey.

Don't forget to tune in to the live camera feed and witness the remarkable transformation of our sanctuary. Share in the excitement, spread the word, and let's celebrate together as we eagerly anticipate the completion of this blessed project.

Wishing you all abundant blessings and laughter,