A Bittersweet Announcement: Change in Clergy at Prince of Peace Catholic Church

Dear Members of the Prince of Peace Catholic Church Community,

I hope this email finds you well and filled with the grace of our Lord. Today, I bring you news that carries both a sense of sadness and excitement. After much consideration and discernment, our beloved Father Lucas has been chosen by the bishop to serve the St. Paul Parish in Richardson. While we rejoice in this new chapter for Father Lucas, we cannot deny the bittersweet emotions that come with his departure from our parish family.

Father Lucas extends a special blessing to our CLC students during their Mother’s Day Program in May 2023.

Father Lucas has been an exceptional spiritual leader and shepherd, guiding us with his wisdom, compassion, and unwavering dedication to our faith. His presence among us will be deeply missed, as he has left an indelible mark on our hearts and souls. We owe him our gratitude for the countless blessings he has bestowed upon us during his time here at Prince of Peace.

However, with every ending comes a new beginning, and I am delighted to announce that the bishop has chosen Father Eugene Undemba as the new Parochial Vicar of Prince of Peace. Many of you may remember Father Eugene from his seminarian year when he served our parish. His return brings with it a renewed sense of familiarity and joy, as we welcome him back to the Prince of Peace community.

Father Eugene (center) with Father Michael Forge (left) and Father Stephen Ingram (right) celebrating his promotion to the Deaconate while at Prince of Peace in 2022.

Father Eugene is a man of great faith, compassion, and zeal for the Gospel. His previous service to our parish showcased his commitment to nurturing the spiritual growth of our congregation. We are blessed to have him join us as he continues to share his deep love for God and his people.

While change can be challenging, it also offers us an opportunity for growth and renewal. Let us embrace this transition with open hearts and open minds, trusting in God's plan for our community. I encourage you to extend a warm welcome to Father Eugene and support him as he begins his ministry among us. Together, we can continue to build a strong, loving, and vibrant community of faith.

In the coming weeks, we will organize a farewell celebration to honor and express our gratitude to Father Lucas for his dedicated service to our parish. Please stay tuned for further details on this event, as well as opportunities to connect with Father Eugene as he settles into his new role.

Let us keep both Father Lucas and Father Eugene in our prayers during this time of transition. May God guide and bless them abundantly as they embark on new paths of service to His people.

Thank you for your continued support and love for our Prince of Peace Catholic Church community. 

With prayers and warm regards,

Prince of Peace Catholic Church