He is Risen! Celebrating Easter at Prince of Peace
Knights Host Easter Egg Hunt
Crowds Gather on Holy Thursday for the Mass of Our Lord's Supper
The Easter Bunny Makes an Early Visit at the Knight's Breakfast on Palm Sunday
Young Church members and Knights Team Up for Stations and Soup Event!
Congratulations to our Children's RCIA Candidates!
Children Gather for Safe Environment Presentation with Sgt. Clark!
RCIA Candidates Receive Third Scrutiny
Stations, Soup, and Movie Night!
RCIA members attend Spring Retreat
Bishop Grants Dispensation for St. Patrick's Day
Because the Memorial of Saint Patrick is a common celebratory day in the United States and locally, Bishop Burns has decreed that on Friday, March 17, 2023, all Catholics of the Diocese of Dallas, no matter where they may be, and all other Catholics actually present in the Diocese on that day, are dispensed from the obligation to abstain from meat.