Steve and Kathleen Welsh Named April KoC Family of the Month

Our Knight Family of the Month for April 2022 is Steve and Kathleen Welsh, selected based upon their involvement with the Knights of Columbus, to the Prince of Peace Catholic Community and beyond.

Steve and Kathleen have been attending Prince of Peace since 1998. Steve joined the Knights of Columbus about five years ago and has attained the Fourth Degree. Steve helps cook everything on the stove top or fills in for Wes Keller as the oven man at the monthly breakfast. He is also a master of the Eggs Benedict along with Art Amoyo. Steve cooked for Father Tom’s retirement dinner and for the first night of the Catholic Bowl feeding hungry football players and coaches. Sometimes you might find Kathleen in the kitchen or serving food during the monthly breakfast. Steve has joined the choir and is trying hard to fulfill the tenor role, a role that is challenging because he has been singing from the pew and could sing whatever notes, octaves and style he desired. He has not been in a choir since High School days, back in 1976.

Steve and Kathleen often serve together and attend Knights activities. They participate yearly in the Hike for Life, and recently formed a team for the Ukraine relief effort by the Knights. Both Steve and Kathleen are Eucharistic Ministers. They have taken three trips together to Mexico to participate in the wheelchair distribution. Steve and Kathleen participated in the food drive during the COVID crisis, helping to take in donations of food to be distributed to the community. They are members of the Empty Nesters, enjoying monthly social events.

Steve in the past has participated in the Alpha Program which introduces Christ to those who do not know much about Him. He was asked to join the program by one of his customers, who then decided to convert. Steve served as his sponsor.

Steve serves on the Pastoral Council and is the Membership Chair for the Knights Council. Steve and Kathleen were the Knights Family of the Year in 2020, during the height of the COVID crisis.

Kathleen is very active at Prince of Peace Catholic Community. She has served on the Prince of Peace Pastoral Council. She has also been a lector for over four years, and was a frequent lector during the height of the COVID crisis. She currently is the Saturday 9:00 AM lector for daily Mass and occasionally fills in on other days. In the past she taught the First Grade Sunday School. She is also a member of the Marian group, studying various books throughout the year.

Outside of Prince of Peace Kathleen is an Ambassador for the Montserrat Retreat House. She has made a career change into hospice nursing, which is proving to be its own ministry, in educating patients and families about the end of life. Kathleen has been contacted by three people in need of wheelchairs and with the help of Steve and Bill Weber participated in giving the gift of mobility to three local people.

Steve and Kathleen make Prince of Peace and the Dallas Diocese a better community. Please extend your congratulations to Steve and Kathleen Welsh for being the Knight Family of the Month for April 2022.