Welcome, Our New Coordinator of Adult Faith, Lauren Scheller!

Give a giant, Texas-sized welcome to the newest member of the Prince of Peace staff, Lauren Scheller! Lauren is joining us as the new Coordinator of Adult Faith - read about Lauren below and remember to say “hi!” and introduce yourself when you see her around campus.



My name is Lauren Scheller and I am abundantly blessed to serve the community here at Prince of Peace as your new Coordinator of Adult Ministry.

A lifelong cradle Catholic with a fervent enthusiasm and joyful exuberance to help others fall in love with Christ and His Church, my passion is to excitedly accompany others, specifically adults, into understanding, living, and going out to share their faith.

Growing up most of my life in Arizona, I felt called to serve the Church in a deeper capacity and discerned the move to Denver, CO in 2017 to go for my Masters in Leadership and Pastoral Theology so as to be more aptly equipped! I easily fell in love with people's hearts and stories of conversion, especially over the course of three years of facilitating and leading RCIA as the Director of Religious Education at a parish and completing my Masters. I saw the need for a greater emphasis on introducing searching hearts with the questions of life to the love and invitation of Christ, especially through focused evangelization and catechesis efforts.

This invite of the heart is constant, perpetual, and necessary, even for me! And I've found the joy of my soul and the strengthening of my own faith is in watching people's personal encounters with Christ blossom and flourish. So God has graciously brought me here to Texas to excitedly help to build up the Faith Formation for Adults as we also build back up the physical space of the church. I'm excited to see where the Holy Spirit leads!

In my downtime, I am an amatueur Paleo cook, artist, and writer, as well as a Catholic wedding planner, and I look forward to getting back into horseback riding now that I'm in the awesome state of Texas to do so. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all as the vibrant community that you are, and please say hi and introduce yourself! Know I am praying for you!