Knights Name Their November Knight of the Month!

The November 2023 Knight of the Month is SK Greg Davis. This award honors Greg’s service to the Knights of Columbus Council 11716 and to Assembly 3642.

Greg has been a member of Prince of Peace since 2014. He joined the Knights of Columbus while in the U.S. Army and stationed in Germany in in 2009. He received his Third Degree in 2018 and Fourth Degree in 2019.

Greg served our nation in the U.S. Army before retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel after 29 ½ years of service. For the last 15 years in military duty, he served as a civil affairs planner. Today, he works for the Dallas Police Department where he works in the operational technology division where he works on a variety of projects involving body cameras and tasers.

A native of Little Rock, Ark, and a cradle Catholic, he has helped with the Catholic Bowl that pits two Catholic high schools against one another on the gridiron. Given his Army training, he serves the operational and logistical needs of both teams and staff when the schools play against one another.

Given his law enforcement, operational and logistical background, you can find Greg providing security assistance behind the scenes. Whether it’s a Prince of Peace Mass or social events such as Knights Bingo where the public display of money is present, you can count of Greg to ensure the money is safeguarded and handled properly.

He enjoys participating in Fourth Degree Assembly programs and is intimately involved in the Assist the Officer Association that helps officers in need of emergency financial assistance. 

Greg has been married to his wife, Jennifer, for 27 years. Although they do not have children, Greg loves to devote time to the Special Olympics and the Tip a Cop program that enables athletes to participate in the Special Olympics competitions. 

At the events, you will find Greg cheering on athletes and motivating them to succeed with high fives and a big smile. 

Please join me in congratulating and celebrating the service of SK Greg Davis, the November 2023 Knight of the Month.